The Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Oregon IEE University of Oregon

Past Laboratory Members

Postdoctoral Research Associates & Fellows

Kat Milligan-Myhre, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Ann Petersen, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Julian Catchen, Collaborator, Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Paul Hohenlohe, Collaborator, Assistant Professor at the University of Idaho
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Graduate Students

Emily Lescak, Graduate Student

Kristin Sikkink, Ph.D.

Andrew Nishida

Alida Gerritsen, Graduate Student

Conor O’Brien, Ph.D.

Quick Yeates-Burghart, M.S.

Research Assistants

Kate Ituarte, Research Assistant

Nicholas Stiffler, Research Assistant

Roberta Torunsky, Research Assistant

Nicole Nishimura

Joseph Dunham, 2005-2007, Graduate student at USC

Frances Sung, 2005-2007, Graduate student at USC

Undergraduate Researchers

Sophie Sichel, Undergraduate Researcher

Erik Parker, Undergraduate Researcher

Shira Mali, Undergraduate Researcher

John Letaw

Maya Rommwatt

Taylor Wilson, 2010-2012

Ryan Bourdo

James Bolle

Larissa Unruh

Jennea Wood

Emily Armstrong Buck, Honors College Undergraduate

Pet Laboratory Members

Rajon Rondo de la Schtumpa Petersen, Tactical Support

I specialize in biological and hazerdous materials retrieval and sequestration, early warning systems and threat detection. My interests include beef jerky and chasing cats.

Calypso Shaka Kahn Petersen, Special Teams

I specialize in organization, retrieval, and re-organization. My interests include herding sheep and cows.

Zoe Bellino

My main interest is plant diversity: I am fascinated by the variety of tastes, smells, and textures of flora found in temperate rain forests. My research focuses on the use of olfaction in recognition of plant specimens.

Cresko Laboratory, Center for Ecology and Evolution at the University of Oregon
News Brief

September 2017 - Martin Stervander joins the Cresko Lab!

January 2017 - Kristin Alligood successfully defends Ph.D.

January 2017 - Allison Fuiten is awarded a DDIG from the NSF. See Lab News for more.

December 2016 - Gulf Pipefish genome paper published.

November 2016 - Bill Cresko elected AAAS Fellow.

April / July 2016 - Cresko Lab members receive six conference awards for posters or talks. See Lab News for more.

January / February 2016 - Susan Bassham appears in a short documentary and a more in-depth interview relating to the lab's recently published Middleton Island work. See Lab News or the link below for more.

December 2015 - "Evolution of stickleback in 50 years on earthquake-uplifted islands" paper published.

Lab News